2 thoughts on “Version confusion!! (the endless upgrade cycle)

  1. Sounds like you guys are doing a great job. But its also a great commentary on the general mayhem caused by software differences. All you need now is someone to pipe up and ask, “What about my MAC?”

    I remember when an org I worked for had Win3x, Win98 and Win2000 systems on variuos PCs scattered about the place. Some had various versions of MS Office. One had Open Office. Some used Internet Explorer, while others used Netscape as their default browser. They had different versions of Windows Media Player (for course), and one person only used WinAmp.

    Then, somebody had the idea we should have a professional development session on “computer basics.” Sure, we said… but basic to whose computer?

    Nowadays, I just keep a great stack of “for Dummies” and “In Easy Steps” books close at hand.


    1. Hi Wendell, thanks for your message.

      So true.. computer labs can become a giant mess of different versions, various apps, conflicting operating systems! It’s a wonder anyone can manage this, letalone literacy students!!

      Our tech guy loves the idea of a single “ghost image” which gets loaded on every machine, and then re-loaded when things go pear-shaped.. so they’re all exactly the same. But even that’s not perfect yet.

      cheerio, michael

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