Copy a presentation file from iPad to laptop

Faye, one of the amazing teachers at PRACE, got her students to make slide presentations using Keynote on the iPads. The students showed their presentations on the big screen with Airplay,  and then sent their files to Faye via Airdrop.  Then we wondered how to get all those presentation files from Faye’s iPad to her laptop. One way to do this is to share the Keynote file with google drive.. you can then get to the files on your laptop or desktop, at in the web browser. This is Read More …

WIKIs: setting your Notifications and posting a Discussion

Following on from that exciting ‘Advanced’ WIKI webinar in which nothing seemed to go right, I decided to produce a screencast on the topic of setting your Notifications to receive emails when someone posts a Discussion. Notifications are a powerful feature that makes your wiki interactive: everyone can follow the latest addition of content and discuss these collaboratively. At CNLC when a new member joins the Staffroom I advocate that the Notifications are set so that the new person can join in to group activities effectively. However, we’ve fallen behind Read More …