North West region “community of practice”

Victoria Market I’ve just met with some wonderful teachers and managers of the North-West region and Sue O’Brien of the NW ACFE regional office, in at the AMES “Multicultural Hub” opposite the Victoria Market. From the agenda, i was expecting to give a presentation with an overview of blended learning, and some examples of who’s doing it around the regions. Because it was about 10 of us around a table, the session quickly turned into a conversation where i hope most people had some input. We tackled the really fundamental Read More …

The magic & beauty of “RSS feeds” (aka headlines)

This week, Jill & Michael had a conversation about the mysterious things known as RSS feeds. We covered a  fair bit of ground, including:1) What are they?2) Using google reader to follow many different streams in one place3) Alternatives – follow, friend etc ..but we didn’t get onto this topic4) feeds into wikispaces. RSS is a little-understood phenomenon that can be hugely handy to getting things done, and wading gently through the streams of internet information. Here’s a recording of the session. Here’s the famous “Common Craft” introduction to RSS: Read More …

A conversation with Sue Braggs

The other week, I opened up the ACFE (LearnLocal) Open House for a repeat session of the introduction to 23 Things, and found Sue Braggs in the room early. (Follow the conversation directly here.) For those who don’t know, Sue was involved in one of the first experiences of this 23 Things approach to learning web2 social technologies, back in 2007. Down East Gippsland way, Denece Sippo from the public library and Jan Roberts from the local adult education provider / community college had joined forces to bring their communities online. Sue started out Read More …