The comical folk at have done another twitter satire. It’s funny.
Disclaimer: i admit, i have been following some celebrities. Yes i am a twit. (aka miczl)
My big issue with Twitter is this:
Get A Room.
.. if you’re having a private conversation, get off the public airways. Use Skype or messenger. Have a proper conversation. Stop leaving notes in the middle of the road for everyone else to trip over.
But that is not how twitter works, so i will just get off my high horse right now. Some people love to be fully social in that environment. High “noise-to-signal ratio”. And in one sense they are right
.. you need to build relationships over time before you can have meaningful exchange. (eg:
- “how was your weekend?”
- “i need help with finding the best screencast app”).
Nonetheless, griping aside .. there are some very fine adult educators and e-learning practitioners who often say useful things. eg including these people:
- Greg Bird and Jenny Wood from Swinburne,
- Marlene Manto and Michael Coghlan in SA, Stuart Jones of Milang Old School House (MOSH),
- Michael Gwyther from YUM, Lynne Gibb of Coonara community House, Coach Carole
- Marg O’Connell in Canberra, Robyn Jay and Anne Bartlett Bragg in NSW ..
- Howard Errey and Rose G from the Framework
- .. plus thousands more!
Jane Hart in the UK recently compiled a list of educators on twitter. Blimey, she’s up to 1000 already!!