Ah this could make you smile.. the Spontaneous Tram Choir on the Lygon St Tram.
i hope we’ll see more from this bunch:
from You tube of course.
Ha ha. Thanks Logan for this video.
Haha!! Thanks so much guys… chanced upon this little gem and made my day. Long live the Spontaneous Tram Choir. P.S. Nikki and Eugene – you guys are superstars!
Good on you Guys, your legends! Keep it growing there should be a world full of it. I reckon we’d have less violence, less depression and a more caring world if it takes off.
It makes for such a lovely, subtle, peace promoting kind of, one world experience for everyone – no matter ability, creed or culture.
Hope you can get some anti-depression funding for it from Beyond Blue or community strengthening/community engagement funding from Melb. City Council.
Made me smile and start singing along with it! Reminds me of the spontaneous performances by musicians on La Blogotheque This is a link to the English language version of the website. (English version.)
This is a link to the English language version of the website.
hello Sharon, Cherry and Alex, thanks for yr comments here. But hey, all i did was copy and paste some code.. maybe you should give some nice comments to the people who actually made it happen ;-]
(over on the youtube)
So who are they? Nikki and Eugene? Are they going to do this again?
kind regards, michael
Hey, this is the link I was telling you about with the virtual choir on it. youtube.com/etc
[Ed: ooh thanks katie that’s brilliant. i will have a listen.]
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