Floating markets of Can Tho
January 15th, 2009 by michael chalk

Floating MarketsHere at the floating markets of Can Tho, Vietnam, they have i’m sure the Biggest Grapefruit in the World. These things look like honey dew melons. They are big. And delicious.

Just spent 8 hours soaking in the magnificence of the Mekong Delta, with my own private boat captain. (My own company got a bit much, but the markets, the river and its ecology were all gorgeous.)

Occasionally the propellers get caught in plastic bags. So the drivers get the long paddle out of the water, peel off the plastic, and throw the bag back in the water.

The floating markets are so photogenic. i think the locals might get a bit sick of the tourists though. All taking photo but no buying the goods.

i’m trying to be unobtrusive with the mini-camera .. but there’s one guy with a seriously big lens. One of those tourists who doesn’t smile back when you smile at him. You’re only real if you make a good picture .. and even then you’re real in a fully objectified sense.

Anyway, he was the Voracious Tourist for me .. on whom i projected my own “negative affect” as Jude might say.

(Voracious Photos to come .. later on)

Creative Commons License photo credit: -RS-

2 Responses  
  • Paul writes:
    January 17th, 200904:50at

    Hello Michael

    Ohh Vietnam and Cambodia looks so fabulous. It sounds like your having a really great time. I hope your friend was/is OK. It sounds like particularly intense moment in your holiday. Actually there seem to have been a few intense moments but I guess that is the joy of travelling. The moments that become great stories later on down the track… after a decade or two…

    We are all here working and missing like nothing else our time in the sun… ouch work is for the ignorant masses. How did I get into that group.

    Ahh joy the water is now flowing in the bath which means that the cold water pipe is finally UNFROZEN. By the way it is incredibly cold here….

    Nice seeing you before and keep having a wonderful… and safe time..

    Lots of love


  • mic writes:
    January 30th, 200913:12at

    Glad to hear you have water again Pauli.

    i’m back in melbn now where we have +43 degrees C. This is insane. Although 43 below could be worse.

    i wonder how cold it’s been in the Halifax? (ooh look, you might be over zero on monday)

    much love, michael

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