Next steps for the North-West

Wonderful. Thanks to all the NW e-learning leaders for keying in your availability for the site visits and the regular online drop-in sessions. You’ll see from the calendar page that almost everyone has organised a time for their site visit now. Please be in touch if the offered times don’t suit at all.

We’ve also decided to set up a regular online drop-in session. This can be loosely structured, depending on the needs of the people who make it along. From people’s input, we’ve decided to go with 3pm on a Friday, starting on 21 October. We did think about a Thursday evening, but there’s another terrific series of workshops on e-learning at that time, run by a group called the Australia e-series.

(more after the break)

There’s a fair bit of professional development going on, actually. If you join the ACE network “ning” (for Victorian ACE practitioners interested in e-learning), you’ll get information about these things. Coming up:

[Australia e-series] => Coach Carole McCulloch and Junita Lyons have devised this as an ongoing series of sessions where experts volunteer to provide mentoring and demonstration workshops in various skills of e-teaching. [Link to their blog here.]

[23 Things] => an introduction to all kinds of web2 goodness, this is one way to learn about web2 and social media in teaching and learning, and to reflect on that learning as you go. It’s all about getting to grips with blogs, image & audio/video online, and it’s meant to be fun 😉

Come along to this session for an introduction to the whole 23 Things experience. First session is 6:00pm Monday 17 October. I will be repeating this session, so let me know in the comments if you would like a different time (michael).


photo credit: (creative commons at flickr) Thanks: NorthernConstabulary.

1 thought on “Next steps for the North-West

  1. Thanks for this information, Michael.

    I noticed that when you click any 'Ning' link, you'll be asked to sign in OR join. So if you're not already a member, please join us there – it's quite a big community of interest these days, almost 300 members and there's lots to do and explore.

    And the Links and Resources Page in this blog is an easy place to visit to find the above links (in case this blog post gets buried in time under the weight of others.

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