flickr is a terrific site for images. You can search other people’s work, comment on their photos, make contacts.. and share your own photography as well.
Suggestion for your own learning: As you browse flickr, think about what makes it a successful site.. and post a reflection in your blog. Add a photo to illustrate.
Read more about working with photos on the flexivet 23 Things wiki.
Images add an extra dimension to the web, engaging your readers. A good blog post has:
- some kind of multimedia (eg image, video, slideshow)
- some words to express your opinion or thoughts about the image
- something to make your audience think: what question can you ask your readers?
“Curious minds”:
this photo of ducks has many tags, including Melbourne, ducks, Caroline Springs, close-up. It’s a very popular photo, with over 3 pages of comments. Remember to check the licence (creative commons is best) and provide a link back to the photographer. (Thanks to young einstein on flickr for this wonderful image of ducks in Melbourne.)
flickr lets you embed an interactive slideshow (sometimes – depending on the copyright). Here is a series of photos from flickr.. about Melbourne!!
Can you find a slideshow on flickr?
What theme would you choose?
“the milkman’s dilemma”i like this image by Mugley at flickr..
something about the milk crate on the footpath conjures up the feeling of early morning. The vibrant colour of the milk crate contrasts nicely with the drab street scene.
Why do you think Mugley calls this shot “the milkman’s dilemma”?
photo credit: (creative commons at flickr) Thanks: mugley at flickr.
one of the best places to search for creative commons photos is compfight.