My beautiful old iRiver died while i was travelling in Cambodia. It disappeared from my luggage on a bus. Device death by disappearance.
i was sad, i was disappointed.
But sooner or later i had to have another music player**.
So i chomped on the ammunition and stole an iPod classic from JB hifi. They took $325 from me but it felt like a steal anyway.
and no i don’t have to run iTunes.
So Relieved About That!!
Yes, Winamp manages an iPod just fine.
- No fuss,
- no silly synchronising,
- no locking the pod to only one computer.
Just drag the files across and there they are.
Yay Winamp.
PS: not perfect, this device.
- Sensitivity of wheel changes according to mood;
- iPod freezes, yes freezes;
- display by coverflow is dumb: every song is displayed with its album cover.
**Yes i have the iRiver e100, but that’s a kind of joke really. When you put the micro SD card in, all the screen writing reverses to mirror image. Fortunately i can read mirror writing just like da Vinci.
photo credit: Themis Chapsis