hello lovely friends in new york city
Jun 29th, 2007 by michael chalk

i am very envious.
Here is a pic of Tim, Fiona, Sasha and Paul on the train in New York City. i’m following their adventures over on samandtim.blogspot. Their blog is like a fun game, where the reader has to make up what’s going on, from the pictures and the headings.

ok, here goes:
SamandTim and PaulandFiona are on a train, with Sasha, and the train is in New York. They are all travelling from the bronx zoo back to the hotel where they’ll have dinner. And Sasha is drinking from his favourite red cup. Just after Sam took the photo, Paul sighed and said, “Are you ever going to stop taking photos?” Which nearly made Fiona snap at him. But she took a deep breath instead.

Tim is grinning because he loves seeing Sam do funny things on the subway; she’s being zany while she handles the camera. Sam made a joke after taking the shot, and everyone laughed. Then Sasha looked up and smiled, saying, “Was i in the photo?”

PS Funky Shirt, Paul!

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