Two Canadian comedians make fun of Sarah Palin, with her full co-operation. Tim turned up at my house this morning and told me about it, so i had to listen.
Sarah doesn’t notice when he gives the wrong name for the Canadian Prime Minister, she doesn’t seem to shudder when he says he loves killing baby seals ..
Even dumber than Dan Quayle, it seems.
But ouch .. the Hustler joke was going too far, wasn’t it?
Did she not notice the French “Prime Minister” telling her he loved watching a porn-u-mentary about her, or did she diplomatically let it slide? You wouldn’t expect sexual harrassment from one head of state to another (potentially on the same level) .. but i’m sure it happens.
Link: Trail Blazer Blog | The Dallas Morning News.
Link: BBC also.
On the positive side, listen to this guy on the BBC .. ‘Redneck votes for Obama’. Good man.