But wait, there's more! (Greens on Gruen Nation)
Aug 16th, 2010 by michael chalk

This is the ad that Gruen Nation pitched in their weekly competition. It was a strong winner, but because it now belongs to the ABC the Greens can’t show it on television. So you’ll need to watch it on the Greens site, on the ABC Youtubes, or right here!

Why am i so fascinated by the Australian election, in a year when the rest of the country is busy yawning?

i saw Alex Bhathal speak at the Greens campaign launch for Batman last night, at the Downunder Curry Cafe in Northcote. Very impressed with her dedication, passion and compassion. First and only thing that’s touched me this whole election. Alex spoke from the heart, which is such a rarity in politics.

(more after the break)
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Yes Men video on Pop Tech.. classic!
Jun 6th, 2009 by michael chalk

If you love theatrical hoax political campaigns,

Billy Bragg keeping the faith
Jan 29th, 2008 by Michael Chalk

It was a joy to hear Billy Bragg on 3RRR this morning as i drove to work. His new songs are moving and poignant, heartfelt as always, although he’s mildly smoothed out his rough accent for the singing. (Interview podcasted via libsyn, and playable right here:

He had some words of encouragement for people who are expecting a lot of the New Rudd Labo(u)r experience. In twelve months, you will all be disappointed. You will say things like, “Rudd’s no different from Howard”. He’s seen it before, when they finally kicked out Thatcher, and were lumped with the oh-so-promising Tony B.

But do not give up hope, and do not become cynical.

i don’t know why people are expecting much, remember Bob Hawke, anyone?
What a let-down. People thought the world would change overnight, even Bob did.
.. and it hurt so much when they chose to govern from the centre(right).
But you’d rather Keating to Howard in retrospect, wouldn’t you!! Well i would.

Jude reminded me the other day of a joke doing the rounds back in 1996. People were saying, “Oh there’s no difference between Keating and Howard.”

The response goes: “Well yes, you’ve got a small bucket of sick (Keating), versus a whole swimming pool full of the stuff.”

Billy also urged us not to bucket Peter G too much, because he has crossed the line from activist to politician. That’s what happens when you make this choice. Political change is a slow game, and politics is the art of compromise. “You’ve just got to make sure that the compromise is on your terms.”

His strongest point? Cynicism is the real enemy. Do not spend all your energy carping about how bad the new government is. Get Active, and Do Something. He said. Hold firmly onto your belief in the possibilities of change. Yeah!

Interviewer’s most embarrassing moment: “Have you played here since your first tour in 1984?”
Billy: “Ah, yes i’ve come here for every album.”
Interviewer backtrack: “Of course, of course.”

One of those classic questions that pops out and you instantly regret it.
“Of course, i was at that concert.”
Oh boy was she blushing.

While i’m waiting for the 3RRR podcast to emerge (fingers crossed), here’s the man talking about the need for a British Bill of Rights (quick comment). (Interview podcasted via libsyn)

.. and the well-meant “All you fascists (are bound to lose)” .. a bit repetitive but catchy.

but Jackie, Chaser is Funny Ha Ha
Nov 23rd, 2007 by michael chalk

Today’s letter-to-the-editor writers suggest that the Liberal party hacks caught distributing fake pamphlets are another example of a party machine that is thoroughly “beneath contempt“. There’s plenty of community anger over this episode.

Of course the wives knew nothing, and the heads of the party knew nothing.

Just like the heads of the party knew nothing about the Wheat Board giving kickbacks to Saddam. Just like the heads of the party knew nothing about the lies and deliberate deception involved in the ‘children overboard’ case, or in the ‘evidence’ for going to war.

Just like that radio host knew nothing about the effect his words would have on a mob in Cronulla. Just like the Minister knew nothing about the effects his words would have on locals who viciously attacked a young Sudanese man in Melbourne.

What i believe is this:

  • African people DO integrate well and happily into mainstream Australian culture, the same as Middle-Eastern people, South-East Asian people, European people and people from all over this wonderful world.
  • Nobody threw their children overboard from that boat, but the heads of government happily lied to the people of Australia.
  • There was no real evidence to build any case for illegally invading Iraq.
  • “Divide and conquer” is a very old and useful strategy: (social division + fear = power)
  • As people get more fearful and desperate, they’re more open to irrational suggestions of blame.
  • Targeting minorities is a way to conceal the deep imbalance in your economics.
  • People at the top knew all about those kickbacks to Saddam.
  • People at the top are prepared to try anything to grasp onto power.

People running the government for the last ten years know all about FEAR. They know the effect it has on people, and they know they can scare the bewittzies out of us; twisting people’s hearts and guts to fill their minds with bunk. Which they’ve done in every single election campaign this century.

i’m over the fears and lies, and i pray that the Australian people are finally coming to their senses. Wake Up Australia!

One of the wives (a former minister in the current federal government) said the pamphlet was a joke. Just like the Chaser. Ha Ha. Hoo hoo hee. Ho. What a chuckle. Would you like a video re-enactment with that?

Sure and Pauline Handsoff was just a joke too. Well that i could believe if she hadn’t exposed the frightened underbelly of Australian society and given the Leader of the Party something to tickle while he suffocated our freedoms with a huge legislative pillow in the night.

Yeah, no .. the Chaser team is actually Funny!

(Thanks heaps for these great images: toxic by what what, and banksy on the banks by Riv, both flickr)

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