festival fever, and zoolander billy carts
Nov 7th, 2008 by michael chalk

Much joy on Cup Day, our official gambling holiday. For the first time ever i did not watch the race, i have no idea who won (oh wait a minute, yes Bart “don’t have a horse” Cummings won again).

i spent my time picnicking with Zeena in the Edinburgh Gardens, and then stumbled upon the annual billy cart race in Eastment St Northcote (thanks to the wonderful Cos for texting me). This was super fun, and very civilised.

The only photos i remembered to take were during the fashion parade. An hilarious romp, with boys in a Zoolander-style walk-off. The winner was very clear from the deep growl of crowd approval. Not so much a louder cheer, but definitely a different quality.

And Barak Obama bin Hussein won the Grand Presidential Lottery over in the land of Hollywood. Yay Barak! Finally a communist in the white house. (Ha, ha.)

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