i’m singing with Mama Kin and Spender and First Chorus Tomorrow at NoCoSoCo !!!
Nov 4th, 2017 by Michael Chalk

Tomorrow, matinee show Sunday 05 November at Northcote Social Club..

yes we will be wearing these golden robes… Oh Yes. Final rehearsal this arvo  .. it’s been sounding good, i’m so excited (and i just can’t hide it)

Come and see us, go on!!  Get your tickets on their page thing.


Also hear the background stories of Danielle and Tommy on Clare’s radio show last week, from 1h10m til 1h27ish, a beautiful interview with some live singing, you’ll get the feeling of what happens in these gigs: Mama Kin and Spender on ABC with Clare Bowditch, 02Nov17

Tommy wanted to “work with people and work with communities”.. First Chorus Band Of Singers is only one of the many choirs in this project.. also hear about their “secret weapon” the super magical Virginia Bott.. “like the Beatles had George Martin”

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Susy Blue is a burning star
May 19th, 2011 by michael chalk

Well take a look at this. It’s only a tiny glimpse of the amazing Susy Blue. i had no idea her music was so beautiful.

Moose Hooves on Vimeo on Vimeo

via Moose Hooves on Vimeo.

and more
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Barons of Tang go wild in the usa
May 13th, 2011 by michael chalk

I love the Barons of Tang!

Ok for a few years I’ve found them too hard core, and they were always playing at the same time as spoonbill, so I would never stay and listen.

But tonight* they hit the spot like never before. They are extraordinary. And they’re going to the usa. i don’t think i’ve seen them properly since Aviva joined – her clarinet and bass clarinet riffs added a lot to the sound for me. Loved it.

Dance! Did we? I love those gigs where you start out kind of half-hearted, an you wind up jumping like a mad thing and shouting for more.

*When i say tonight i mean: Northcote Social Club 30 April.

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