gray kicks bass !! (updated now with video)
Sep 3rd, 2009 by michael chalk

flying-scribble-gig-posterExtraordinary moments.

For the Melbourne hall of fame 2009, i would nominate the Flying Scribble percussion artist gray taylor for her one-armed drumming set at the Wesley Anne, sunday 28th June.

Not only did she valiantly play with her left arm out of action, she played one song blindfolded. Go gray! You are a star and a legend. We love you.

Oh and Louise was good too. You both rock.


Ooh look here’s Lou and gray again playing at Anytime Place in July, filmed by the Qua on his mobile phone. Video is lame.. get closer man, but it sounds good. This was a really good set. Many people dancing.

And guess what! Update! They’re having a CD launch (single) next Thursday evening 10th September at Wesley Anne.

Woo hoo. Can’t wait.


yes Flying Scribble was magnificent:

    • Fab to see gray double-armed again.
    • And Louise’s new fully electric hot red mini-organ sounds just as good as the 6-ton-slider.
    • The Bon Scotts were fun too.

Here’s a review of the single already over at Mess and Noise where you can listen to the song.. in one piece if your bandwidth will do it. Oh and read the comments as well as the review.. you’ll find a funny NZ story and Ben Butcher’s shoot of the ladies gettin glamorous on a Northcote monkey bar.

Fly scribble fly.

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