How are your Resolutions working out so far? Watch Belinda and her To Do List for useful tips
Jan 16th, 2017 by Michael Chalk

Just discovered Belinda Totino and her To Do List. Here’s one to watch if you’re getting strung up by your New Year’s Resolutions. Belinda is funny!!

“It’s not a resolution, it’s a revolution!”

xkcd is funny. So i say.
Mar 12th, 2009 by michael chalk

xkcd is funny.

songsmith very creepy
Feb 13th, 2009 by michael chalk

This is too hilarious.

Never heard of it before, but microsoft has a program called songsmith, which puts a backing track to your vocals. So people added in vocals from famous songs to find out what would happen. Here’s the murder of one Radiohead classic.

You’ll find more examples of songicide over on the original article in the Times (uk). (And more on youTube of course.)

Seriously the company should be charged with songslaughter.
(is that songs-laughter or song-slaughter?)

Unlike garage band from apple which i’ve heard inspires creativity.
go microsoft, go far.

Plus, someone’s had a go at songsmithing one of Obama’s speeches.

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