nearly there .. thanks to angelic friends
May 22nd, 2008 by michael chalk

Lucky me to have such wonderful friends and colleagues helping me out !!!

Annie the angel comes over and completely re-organises the garage sale, so that it looks like useful things rather than a pile of junk; and then spends all day over here packing boxes for me. What a darling.

Tim brings croissants for breakfast. Ooo yum what could be better. Not only that, but then he packs up all my telephone and internet gadgets neatly into a box. Plus, he’s going to take away the fish and his tank. Yay Tim.

Jude and jody-Lee go mad on the council rubbish collection pile. Just keep piling they say.

Lovely Czek offers me a room even though he really doesn’t want or need a housemate.

Will and Jodie lend me their van on two separate days, meaning they have to get all thinkie on their schedules. So sweet!

Margot spends hours packing up all of the precious ceramic art, and then takes it back to her place for storage.

Amarina lets me store a mountain of boxes in her huge Land Rover called Keith. Plus, she brings up so many coffees for Louise and me, when our kitchen is not functioning. Am is a very generous and wonderful woman, so kind.

Lou does such an amazing job on the kitchen, cleaning it like it hasn’t been cleaned before (well, since Jude and Jody lived in the house, and Jude scrubbed every last bit of it.)

Then plenty of people – Ben, Maggie, Daryl, Deb, Zoe, Libby, Amarina – send across possible ideas for rooms or houses.

Fraser asks every time he sees me, and offers cardboard boxes in case i have to live under a bridge. Later i find out he’s been asking Syl, “Can michael use that space under the cupboard?”

Some days i feel like i’m surrounded by angels.
thank you all .. so much !

May the universe bless you all with this kindness and more.

thanks 4 support + humour !
Dec 15th, 2007 by Michael Chalk

Throughout this bizarre saga, i have found colleagues, friends and family to be wonderfully supportive, and genuinely hilarious. So thanks to all of you, especially:

Tim – always on the lookout:
“Did you say
fertiliser? Michael, you don’t know who’s listening! (Louder) i am not associated with this person.”

Bushy for his crack-up comments:
Think we got ourselves a reader“, “Whatcha reading for?” and “Read any good books lately?”

Amarina for leaning across to the window of her ute and drawling,
We don’t like your type around here.

Gayle, as i was dancing in the doorway at the launch of i dream a highway, northcote high st.
I’m sorry we’re going to have to ask you to leave. Heard about you and your inappropriate dancing.

Rhi and Ben:
Gotta get you a t-shirt that says ‘Northcote’s favourite terrorist’

My fabulous sister for sending me the “I’m a tourist not a terrorist” t-shirt from amsterdam.
Lou for reading through the first letter to the editor.

Plus thanks to people who’ve joined in this online storytelling experience:

  • Rhi and Jo for posting brilliant comments to the blog, and twice!
  • Katie, A.Duck, BiddyB, Howard, for their delightfully supportive comments.
  • Susan for her limerick all the way from Canada ..

Colleagues who applauded my entrance at a work celebration day, the morning after this whole thing hit the headlines.

My mother for showing her protective side and saying, “I just want this to go away. i think it’s over now.”

Okay mum, i’ll write about other stuff now. Hope, the future, and being polite.
i won’t talk about the fear and hysteria gripping the western world, or the possibility that governments are using this fear to destroy civilian freedoms. No no no.

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