First Chorus is singing at Howler with Mama Kin and Spender
Apr 23rd, 2018 by Michael Chalk

Very excited to be singing with First Chorus Band Of SingersMama Kinand Spender at Howler Melbourne next week (Thursday 03 May).

This time the choir will have *microphones* so you’ll be able to hear us, woohoo yeh

It’s been so lovely to revisit the songs from this album, given that we’ve already performed at Northcote Social Club and Queenscliff Music Festival, and we know the songs reasonably well. So now we can focus on getting the nuance and the feel, and feel solid in our arrangements.

#MamaKinAndSpender #FirstChorus #HairBetweenUs #GoldenMagnetic#YesTheGoldenRobes #GetYourTixNow #kthxbye

Tickets via moshtix here


Little Dance Show – "This is My Show" at Tinning St
Mar 8th, 2013 by michael chalk

Eleanor Jean Riley has done it again. But this time, she’s completely on her own.

I went to the preview of “This is My Show”, and was thoroughly delighted.

Firstly, the set itself is intrinsic to the experience, as you must choose your seating space before you enter.. and before you know what the choice will mean for your viewing. Which seat gives you the “best” view? What will you miss out on? (Sorry i won’t spoil your choice by telling you where i sat.)

The show is made up of different characters and aspects. In one space, the dancer’s body conveys a disturbing and awkward sense of discomfort.. and then soon enough she is transformed into the most confident circus show-stopper you’ve ever seen, in a glamorous outfit with a cocktail shaker. I felt i could identify with either of these archetypes, as her body played out the sensation – the uncomfortable one much more easily.

As well as movement, Little is exploring movement through shadow, and also concealment. Sometimes you’ll see everything, while at other times.. you must twist and turn to get the best view.

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Brighter Later debut with The Woods
Nov 30th, 2012 by michael chalk

Have a listen to this sweet new single from Brighter Later, aka Jaye Kranz & Virginia Bott. Sublime sounds. I saw them play the East Brunswick a while back when they were Reuben Montane. Gorgeous atmospheric and folky sounds.

..and here’s the video, via Mess & Noise

Here they are on the Gaga-Digi label:
Gaga Digi // Brighter Later.
Get more background via Mess & Noise.
Brighter Later on Soundcloud.

first chorus album launch ..approaching
Oct 8th, 2012 by michael chalk

Just noticed that Virginia’s putting some of the songs from Emma Tonkin’s “Cave of Lights” album on soundcloud (the collaboration with first chorus band of singers). You can listen to the song “I will be one” here below. We’re currently rehearsing all the songs with a bunch of wonderful new singers joining the original cast.

Mark this date in your diaries: Saturday 17 November in Melbourne, at the Wonderland Spiegeltent (details to follow – it’s somewhere in the Docklands). Also Saturday 24 November in Castlemaine.

Here’s the link on soundcloud: I Will Be One by fc band of singers.

Flap! is beautiful
Aug 19th, 2011 by michael chalk

I’ve seen this bunch of diehard jazz freaks play a few times now: at the Village in Edinburgh Gardens, supporting the inimitable Bohjass at the Northcote Social Club.. and now headlining at the East Brunswick. And each time i see them, i love them even more.

Such brilliant musicianship, such joyful playing, such contained energy in the singing. It’s modern Northcote music that draws on the traditional jazz styles of the 30’s and 40’s. Songs of love.. songs about the chicken truck that goes up High Street late at night.

My dad was mad for a bit of trad jazz, and i think he would have approved of this crowd as well. Read the rest of this entry »

The magical funkiness of Jamie Lidell in Brunswick town
Mar 14th, 2011 by michael chalk

So Amarina and i went to see Jamie Lidell at the East Brunswick club. i’m still reeling with the pleasure of the experience. He is funny, fabulous and so funky! Did we dance? Oh Yes. Everybody danced.

A good, well-balanced set of old and new. i’m so glad he played one or two of the solo numbers – the ones where he builds up the entire song using his voice and some kind of loop pedal / electro board thingie. The one i recall is “The City”.

The rest of the set, he plays with a fantastic drummer and this astonishingly energetic keyboard guy, who went topless and sweaty at the first opportunity (it was a hot evening). In contrast Jamie kept the black and silver vinyl jacket on all night, occasionally flashing us the neon heart blinking away from the inner lining.


Here are some videos showing his enchanting and soulful vocal beats. Not as good as live, but hey.

The official vid of Multiply

Read the rest of this entry »

Awesome evening of magic and gorgeousness
Dec 14th, 2010 by michael chalk

Finally we made it to the performance night.

first chorus: a retrospective” was a celebration of the first 4 years of Virginia Bott’s amazing Band of Singers. Such a joy to be involved with a magic and gorgeous bunch of good people.

The venue: Anytime Place in Brunswick. Gray Taylor and her team of speakeasy angels worked hard to get the venue looking its best. They are incredibly adept at adapting their environment to suit different kinds of performance.

The acoustics and sound engineering: Simon did a truly amazing job with the sound setup. What a dude. Thanks to Marianna and Ro for pointing out the need to turn down the band and the solo singers. Amazingly, we really had a good balance of volume from choir and soloist/band. (i heard later on from someone who sat both back and front that it was still pretty quiet out back in the standing room.

The audience: what a delightful and generous audience we had, filling out the space with warmth and focus.

The director: everyone knows now that Virginia Bott is a complete genius.

The new CD: Cave of Lights, the collaboration between Emma Tonkin and first chorus: band of singers is now available, hot from the CD burning presses. Launch should be around February. So lucky to have a preview copy that we gave a good spin last night after the gig.

Woohoo. Wish we’d recorded it.

Did anyone video?

3 wise jellyfish at Abbotsford Convent (must see!)
Nov 1st, 2010 by michael chalk

click image for slightly bigger version

You won’t believe it but Jessie Tucker is having her 3rd exhibition this year, and it’s a beauty.

Another round of 3D painting-style sculptures, this time focussing on fables like the 3 wise jellyfish, the pigeon and the birds of paradise, the tiger and the moth. Gorgeous, magical pieces.

Get yourself to the nunnery and drink in this splendour.

C3 Gallery, Abbotsford Convent, until 14th November – hurry!

Exhibitions approaching.. paper & paint and acetate
Jun 3rd, 2010 by michael chalk

This is Melbourne, there’s always a dozen amazing exhibitions to visit.

I reckon these two could be really good.


Skin and Bone

Lauren Simmonds (had) an exhibition opening Thursday 3 June at the Napier Hotel – Skin and Bone –

Gorgeous art in Brunswick
May 15th, 2010 by michael chalk

Went to see Jessie Tucker’s exhibition at the Brunswick Arts Space last night. She’s made a thoroughly gorgeous set of “rare birds” – Avis Rara – in the style of trophies on the wall, with beautiful colour and design.

i wish i’d taken some photos, because all the pieces sold within the first 90 minutes, and who knows when i’ll get all the way back to old Brunswick town again.

An owl, a flamingo, a couple of love birds, some kind of hummingbird with a unicorn – all with lovely old world titles. My favourite was definitely the owl and i was thinking of investing, but i took too long thinking about it and bam, someone else grabbed it.

Would definitely recommend you pop into the gallery and see the birds before they fly off to their new homes.

The only reference i can find online is via BrunswickArts’ facebook page with

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