Extraordinary events at TINA – Mothlight
Oct 17th, 2012 by michael chalk

We’re waiting outside a 5 story carpark in central Newcastle (NSW). At night. Everyone’s dressed up, this is a big event. I’ve got no idea what’s about to happen, but there have been rumours of cling wrap. And everybody’s been saying, “Are you going to Mothlight?” So here we are.

Walking up the stairs in the dark, we enter a strange world, Imagine the world of a moth nest, with webbing and cocoons. There is a lot of cling wrap here, perhaps hundreds of dollars worth of cling wrap, strung from pole to pole across the car park, between the pillars. And in the middle, a figure standing swathed entirely in plastic, suspended from a long cling wrap rope.

They let us walk around and explore for half an hour before anything happens. The crowd mills around at the sign of any kind of movement or light. I’m scared for the performer wrapped in plastic, and feeling protective when i see people reaching for their cameras. Later i found out the “no camera” policy was to prevent the clicking camera sound, and i’m wishing i’d taken a bunch of images.

And of course because i’ve found my way to the front row, i’m the first person called on for audience participation. Naomi Moth takes my hand and shows me how to clutch Skye Moth’s arm – along with 3 other volunteers – as she does all kinds of circus tricks along the long cling wrap rope attaching him to the wall. Beforehand, i was worried about people touching this rope, and now she’s jumping up and down on it.

The whole experience is totally engrossing.

Before too long, Skye Moth is walking on the ceiling and juggling enormous moth balls with his feet. Together they ceiling-walk into a lift and disappear.

Turns out they’ve performed this all around the world. Here’s a video from previous showing:

..and a set of production photos too:

Link to the production photos at flickr.

All taken from Skye’s own site.

first chorus album launch ..approaching
Oct 8th, 2012 by michael chalk

Just noticed that Virginia’s putting some of the songs from Emma Tonkin’s “Cave of Lights” album on soundcloud (the collaboration with first chorus band of singers). You can listen to the song “I will be one” here below. We’re currently rehearsing all the songs with a bunch of wonderful new singers joining the original cast.

Mark this date in your diaries: Saturday 17 November in Melbourne, at the Wonderland Spiegeltent (details to follow – it’s somewhere in the Docklands). Also Saturday 24 November in Castlemaine.

Here’s the link on soundcloud: I Will Be One by fc band of singers.

Flight of the Conchords – Feel Inside (and stuff like that)
Sep 17th, 2012 by michael chalk

Aaaaah! Sally played this for me at work the other week. “You won’t be able to get it out of your head,” she said.

And that’s true.

Then i watched it again with Tim and Sam up at Elphinstone the other day. How we laughed.

Apparently the song spent weeks at number one in NZ Aotearoa, and raised about $1 million and a hundred and ten and twenty one. In a bowl.

via Flight of the Conchords – Feel Inside (and stuff like that) – official Cure Kids long version – YouTube.


I love Murray at the start, “Yes and i gave some money back in 1988, so that’s all done now?”

And Jemaine talking about the songs in the Muppet Movie, “They were pretty derivative though, don’t you think?”



8 Foot Felix on the Radio
Aug 16th, 2012 by michael chalk

[not really 8FootFelix, in fact a different band]

Always great to hear your favourite local bands on the radio. I saw 8 Foot Felix play the Wesley Anne the other week, and was struck by how much they have evolved in the year since i saw them last. Apparently they’ve had a world tour, and been to Burning Man. Highlights included a French version of “These boots were made for walking”… really stunning.

Listen to the rambunctious folk from 8 Foot Felix playing live on 3PBS:

Trans Europa Express for Tuesday, 14 August 2012 | PBS 106.7FM.

Deserts and dreaming – fiction by Jane Jervis-Read
Aug 16th, 2012 by michael chalk

An interesting story by Jane Jervis Read in this month’s Overland.

A strange story.

The piece is unsettling and unexpected, a little mysterious. But it draws you in and leaves you wondering, “What the..?!”.

Here, read it for yourself (recommended!).. Little people at Overland…

I’m a fan of Jane’s work, and recently attended a reading for the Winter edition of InScribe – the Darebin literary journal. Jane read her piece “Hartington Street”, which was short-listed for The Age short story competition.

A beautiful gig: Sean M Whelan & Isnod at the Wesley Anne…
Aug 7th, 2012 by michael chalk

Saw Sean & Damien perform live the other week at the Wesley Ann and loved it.

Here’s some video from the night. Is this the Michael Hutchence performance? Ah no, it’s “Elemental”.

via Elemental – Sean M Whelan & Isnod on Vimeo.

..from James Tresise on Vimeo. James has a few different poems of theirs…

Season Fiiiiive. True Blood. Here's Jessica.
Jul 30th, 2012 by michael chalk

We’ve been watching this one as a household, which is nice. You have to let 3 episodes build up though, to make it a big evening.


Found an interview with Jessica’s actor, from “Young Hollywood“.


..and on season 4: interesting character progression: “Really who is she as a woman”.

Apparently she was asked to pose biting Chevy Chase, who really didn’t know what was going on…

Try Siramarti meditation guides for some balance in your life
Jul 24th, 2012 by michael chalk

Searching the Ox by h.koppdelaneyA few people know that for several years i’ve been exploring a different kind of meditative practice, known as “Siramarti”. I’ve found it to be very healing, balancing and restorative in many ways. I find the traditional “think about nothing”, or “focus on a candle” styles of meditation don’t work for me, but these guided visualisations are just right. You feel active and involved as you get into some fully conscious problem-solving.

Fundamentally, the visualisations are about:

Creative Lane Zine, feat local artists
Jul 24th, 2012 by michael chalk

This one via the delightful Belinda Suzette of Northcotia, who is featured on page 6. A new creative arts magazine with arty stuff from Tasmania to San Qose. Not sure if it’s going to hit the streets or only the screens… looks beautiful! You can scroll through the edition right here below.

Also via the editor: Yes Sweetheart: I like that design too!: Creative Lane Zine is ready!!.

Intriguing masks by Lauren Simmonds
Jul 16th, 2012 by michael chalk

Here’s a collection of some intriguing works from local Northside artist Lauren Simmonds, the Melbourne artist who works with paper, light & shadow. I love the way she’s got people wearing the art work.


‘Masked Series,’ 2011


Transfigure (2012)

Next step involves her wearing the art herself, and performing for her

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