Golden Globes, famous again thanks to outrageous Gervais
Jan 17th, 2011 by michael chalk

Hilarious. Ricky pushes all the wrong buttons for his opener at the Golden Globes. Nice work. i especially liked his comments about The Tourist, as he acknowledges the unfairness of the joke: “i haven’t even seen the film, but who has?” Implying the Globes run on bribery won’t get him any fans with his employers, but he brought plenty of his own special kind of boundary-crossing laughter. And let’s face it, everyone’s talking about it so they won’t mind too much.

i’m sure he really did have lawyers look at the scientology joke beforehand.

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Peep show, series 7 !!
Dec 26th, 2010 by michael chalk

Not sure how long this will stay on the youtubes: it’s an illegal upload, after all. But here’s the first half of the first episode of series 7. Mark and Jeremy are as awful as ever. We’re at the hospital. Definitely NSFW!!

There are many factors contributing to the comic genius of Peep Show. The awkwardness at the heart of the characters and every scene. The obvious chasm between how people want to be seen, and how they appear to the world around them. But mostly, the way people talk inside their own heads, blurting their hypocrisy and duplicity at us, and only momentarily concealing it from those around them.

i like the way Mark and Jeremy are portrayed thinking so very loud while other people are talking, drowning out the other’s voice – it’s ridiculous and self-absorbed.

..and then i catch myself doing it, in my own life. Whoops.

They have a page on Wikipedia, so it must be real. And you can find plenty more illegally ripped video excerpts on the interwebs.

Music videos from Barkly St (wealth of nations)
Nov 16th, 2009 by michael chalk

Wealth of Nations – the fringe festival experience – is all over, but i managed to grab some photos and videos. Lachlan’s uploaded them to places like youtube and flickr.. and there they are.

Pete and the Tar Gang were one of my favourite performances from the season. Pete is such a bold character on stage, with his old sea shanties.

They played the following week at the Fringe Club in North Melbourne, and followed up with the Tar Pit Men’s Choir. One of the guys sang a truly amazing solo piece which got the whole crowd turning their heads (at the Fringe CLub). Talk about upstaging!

Mamushka were hilarious and jazzie. Aviva is so stunning up front, and when she pulls out that bass clarinet, you know you’re in for some rollicking.

(i saw them again last week at Open Studio.. without all the costumes. They leap from their circus jazz into a bit of rock thrash every now and then.. and back again. What a blast.. but why was nobody dancing?)

The Kurtletts of course were thoroughly gorgeous.. Kirri and Sofiya play so beautifully together.


Oh, and the photo slideshow, which has some of my photos mixed in with other people’s too.

united states of tara. wow.
Oct 23rd, 2009 by michael chalk

Toni Collette you are the world’s most wonderful.

Just saw the finale of season 1, and i’m completely shredded.



Who's that Chik!
Oct 1st, 2009 by michael chalk

candy b publicity shot - who's that chik - arts centre - 153bi’ve seen another amazing fringe show. Having a good season so far.

Candy Bowers in Who’s that Chik? (“A hip hop tale of a brown girl with big dreams”)..

Neon Toast for dinner and a dance
Sep 29th, 2009 by michael chalk

Neon Toast opens in darkness.. but i won’t tell you why. Let’s just say the lighting arrives unexpectedly.

There are plenty of surprises in this delightful piece from Brunswick trio Eleanor Riley, Kerrily Aitchison and Rachael Dyson-McGregor.

A series of diverse dance pieces touching on life in a bakery, urban dating, the thrill of the chase. Such a beautiful sense of nostalgia in some of the scenes. Although there’s no time setting, it feels like the past, with jazz from the twenties and a bath before dinner. Gorgeous humour in the words and movement. Sifting flour through socks as all three women move so gracefully.

i really enjoyed this show.

Anytime Place has a strong record for astounding performance..
and Neon Toast builds on that tradition.



Wealth of Nations approaching (a festival show)
Sep 22nd, 2009 by michael chalk

“You are invited to join Sanctum Theatre and Fenestra Productions in celebrating the 233rd anniversary of Adam Smith’s seminal work, Wealth of Nations as part of this year’s Melbourne Fringe Festival. The ship may be sinking, the ‘invisible hand’ might have lost its grip on the invisible wheel, but there is an alternative. For two weekends in September Sanctum and Fenestra break away from the globular economic system to realise Smith’s ideal of a true and unfettered market on a small patch of turf in Brunswick – ‘Wall Street on Barkly’.”

Lachlan read us the Business Age yesterday, because the economical journalists there had noticed the number 233 in connection with Adam Smith. They suspect theatrical shenanigans. They would be correct: here comes the Nut Economy. The roller coaster of free trade.

  • Opening Thursday 24th September. 6 evenings only. (1, 2 + 3 October still to come!)
  • Music, performances and more. Street hawkers, snake oil merchants.. etc:
  • Mamushka (Thursday 1st October!)
  • Suitcase Royale, the GFC dj masters (Grand Funk Connection).. Pete & the Tar Gang.
  • Visit Sanctum Theatre dot org for full details.

Wealth of Nations flyer - wall street on barkly

Here are some photos from the previous incarnation back in May ’09

Oh and here’s the official publicity line: ‘Merchants of mania, hawkers of hubris, snake oil salesmen and peddlers of useless pendants’ peddle their wares in the Wealth of Nations market place. Do you have anything to offer? Come up with a product and a pitch, fill in a Trader’s Application form, get in for free and earn your peanuts to buy drinks for the evening. Get your Trader’s Application form from Sanctum Theatre.


Each night will feature a different band and guest performer. Bands include:

  • Pete and the Tar Gang,
mary and max is a corker
May 19th, 2009 by michael chalk

mary-and-max-logoSweet, beautiful and gut-wrenching. Adam Elliot knows how to explore the mad side of life.

i thought for a moment the constant narration would be too much, but i got over it. How else can you tell the story in a claymanimation?

In the end, this story draws you in so well. The claymation is so invigorating and kitsch. The Glen Waverly curtains, the boots hanging over the power lines, Vera testing the sherry, Dad stuffing his birds in the shed .. Damian with his trips to Mikenos and his NZ pen-pal.

And the heart-stirring madness of Max the New Yorker who has anxiety attacks whenever Mary asks him a difficult question.

Really touching.

So fitting that Barry Humphries is the narrator. The madness of Melbourne.


i went along to the fundraiser for Pacific Black Box. Heck why not spend 6 extra dollars to support Georgie and her NGO on their mission to teach young adults on the Carteret Islands. They must be doing something right if the students are winning international awards, right?

i give it 4 and a half stars. Must see.

life as a trekker .. on the stimulation train
May 14th, 2009 by michael chalk

Kirk VS Klingon

Last week Tim and i hit the city for an early movie ..

11am in the central place, the new beginning/ prequel version of star trek, with Sylar Guy as Spock.

Hamish .. a festival winning film
Mar 30th, 2009 by michael chalk

i went with annie to a film festival in Northcote .. to see a film we heard about on 3RRR the other day.

There were a few short films made for this competition, and “Hamish” was the winner for many good reasons. Really enjoyable film, great character, gentle humour.

Claire Moon has Asperger Syndrom and her sister Hannah wanted to make a documentary about her .. partly to learn how to make movies. Well Hannah learned pretty well, because this film has won more than one

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