Floating markets of Can Tho

Here at the floating markets of Can Tho, Vietnam, they have i’m sure the Biggest Grapefruit in the World. These…

Heroes .. a new obsession

Nearly finished Deadwood and Life on Mars, so i was definitely in need of a new DVD obsession. Fortunately the…

Shopping in Phnom Penh

Shanny and Phil turn up in a tuk tuk, to take me to the Russian and Central Markets. Peter is…

Seasick in paradise

Note to Self: next time i’m about to take a 3 hour sea journey .. do not eat pig trotter…

Losing my touch-nology?

Sometimes i notice that things go wrong in a funny way. My bike and my car always seem to break…

Firecracker hell

This was meant to be an island paradise getaway. A heavenly new year, with friends on the beach. After the…

cycling good fortune

i’ve been very lucky with the bike lately. The front gear thing was out of whack. (The derailleur.) So i…

totally excited about family christmas

More than i have been in a long time, i’m totally excited about family christmas. woohoo! Margot, katie and michael…

Generosity overcomes a gloomy sky

The skies were gloomy, but that didn’t stop one incredibly generous commuter giving away her ticket for free, in Melbourne…

Sheffield Murals

Public art is more popular in Tasmania than i realised. Here’s a whole town that devoted itself to supporting local…