Stay strong, hold onto your dreams

It’s that time of year when people dream about what they want, next time round the sun. i’m sure you…

genetically modified cat

Louise’s cat Zena is a total darling, but he just isn’t interested in catching any kind of rodent. Not for…

thanks 4 support + humour !

Throughout this bizarre saga, i have found colleagues, friends and family to be wonderfully supportive, and genuinely hilarious. So thanks…

Thank you !

Huge thanks to the people of Australia for this very fair and timely dismissal. Thank you so much. Will this…

byron sun brings much joy

How delightful is the sun! When you haven’t had a holiday in over a year, there is truly nothing like…

football causes pain

So i had a go at playing indoor soccer. The boss got a team together, and joined us into a…

airport disco adventure

Sam and Tim went to Tasmania. i went to the airport. That was fun too, especially when we rocked up…

hipy papy bthuthdth thuthda Paulie

it’s pauli’s birthday todaaay he’s a wonderful artist and educator who lives in Halifaxi with his lovely belle Fiona and…

silly videos

Sam and Booshi downstairs don’t have TV, they just watch DVD and youTube. Especially The Moon from the Mighty Boosh….