thesis completion !!

hey guess what, handing in thesis right now!! yes i feel very amazing, totally thrilled and completely happy. Oh the…

tim and sam jump on a plane

Latest Updates at samandtim.blogspotvery exciting news this morning at 7am, Nathan Godkin drove Tim and Sam out to Tullamarine Airport,…

music on the hill

Thank you Sasha and Paul for your great DJ story!! and Sam for sharing your funky videos. the musical highlight…

my sister the video director

Hey guess what my sister the international traveller has put together a video about child labourers in Cambodia. How good…

airport disco adventure

Sam and Tim went to Tasmania. i went to the airport. That was fun too, especially when we rocked up…

hipy papy bthuthdth thuthda Paulie

it’s pauli’s birthday todaaay he’s a wonderful artist and educator who lives in Halifaxi with his lovely belle Fiona and…

silly videos

Sam and Booshi downstairs don’t have TV, they just watch DVD and youTube. Especially The Moon from the Mighty Boosh….

if a ten ton truck ..

i’ve been singing the smiths’ epochal-iptic tune, ‘there is a light that never goes out‘, a lot lately, but yesterday…

Requiem for Little Maxie

Sad to say, gotta face facts, the little fella has gone to meet his Big Cat Mama in the Sky….