538 has latest polls for election USA
October 14th, 2016 by Michael Chalk

Nate Silver at 538 uses crazy algorithms to predict election resultsIf you’re feeling panicky about the US election, given that nation’s ability to mess things up for the rest of us… tune into Nate Silver’s 538 pollster predictions. Nate tends to get it right where other pollsters falter.

Drumpf currently running at 14% likely to win, which is still more than i like. That’s like a grand final where Geelong is only 6 goals behind with 14 minutes to go *.

Every time this happens i get mildly obsessed with the race, and this year it’s more of a circus than ever before.

PS don’t tell me how much you hate Hillary #SoBoredWithThat #omgSheAModerate #HellToTheCentrists #CrookedMyArse

* please excuse sporting reference (AFL = Australian Football League, aka Victorian Rules).

** Like i said: Geelong can kick 6 goals in 14 minutes if it’s a Grand Final.

*** Farewell USA, i weep for your soul. I’m now feeling a bit like when a crazy driver has been tailgating you for ages, and they finally pull ahead of you, screeching tyres into the distance. You know there’s a strong chance they’re about to die.. you just hope they don’t take anyone else with them.

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