Little Dance Show – "This is My Show" at Tinning St
Mar 8th, 2013 by michael chalk

Eleanor Jean Riley has done it again. But this time, she’s completely on her own.

I went to the preview of “This is My Show”, and was thoroughly delighted.

Firstly, the set itself is intrinsic to the experience, as you must choose your seating space before you enter.. and before you know what the choice will mean for your viewing. Which seat gives you the “best” view? What will you miss out on? (Sorry i won’t spoil your choice by telling you where i sat.)

The show is made up of different characters and aspects. In one space, the dancer’s body conveys a disturbing and awkward sense of discomfort.. and then soon enough she is transformed into the most confident circus show-stopper you’ve ever seen, in a glamorous outfit with a cocktail shaker. I felt i could identify with either of these archetypes, as her body played out the sensation – the uncomfortable one much more easily.

As well as movement, Little is exploring movement through shadow, and also concealment. Sometimes you’ll see everything, while at other times.. you must twist and turn to get the best view.

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Mona Foma: lazy days & fun-filled nights
Mar 3rd, 2013 by michael chalk

James just linked to this article on FasterLouder, and it’s reminded me of the great things about MonaFoma13. As well as bumping into someone i knew from Melbourne everywhere i turned, and enjoying the whole experience of being somewhere exciting for 5 days.

Dirty Projectors – i’d never heard of them, and i was just mesmerised. They were so gorgeous. As she pushed further into the crowd at the front, Nina said they were her favourite band in the whole world, and i totally understood why. Amarina said she felt they gave her a new understanding of music, and they did that for me too.

David Byrne and St Vincent. Who wouldn’t love “Burning Down the House” over a dancing brass band. There are few things i love more than a massive euphonium belting out the bass, and here we had Byrne’s classically awkward dance moves played out by the whole band. They even had a real ..ah what’s that instrument you wave your hands against? The electronic one…

Tania Bosak Barefoot Orchestra were just beautiful. Very theatrical and engaging for me, as they played with alternating between wild dancing klezma and stilted off-key jazz. People at the front could appreciate the artistry and theatre of the event, and all seemed to love it. I certainly did. (Unfortunately this one didn’t quite fill the hall, and they lost the attention of the whispering crowds at the back. Don’t know if it was the sound system, or the fact that they followed the Spanish surf rock band, instead of preceding.)

Ben Skeffler looping harpsichord and cello. Beautiful. Apparently he used to play with Miso, and now is incredibly famous.

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