Look i’m one of these people who believes that Barack is genuine. Because i’ve read his accounts of working as a community organiser in the South side of Chicago. Here he talks about that experience with a bunch of kids who just got him re-elected. And i know that success for him is not just gaining the presidency, it’s training these individuals, this new generation of people who can change the world. Who will make a difference.
Via the Huffington Post: Obama Tears Up While Addressing Campaign Staff.
No, he’s not perfect. He’s just an individual, just a man. But i like the way he works.
Okay, i’m going to gather all those US election videos in the one post. Yes i did get a bit obsessed during the election.
i just can’t stop watching the US election. Perhaps because i don’t actually have a vote, or the right to donate cash to my preferred campaign. I feel as though i have an interest here.. why am i not allowed to vote? Apparently, if the rest of the world had a say in this, Obama would be around 40% ahead. But unfortunately, the vast uneducated masses of Texas have a much bigger say in how this goes (1).
My hero Lena Dunham has totally crossed the line, by making lurid allusions, according to several commentators (who might just be a bit moronic).
Gender politics is huge in 2012 USA, mainly because the Republican party has gone off the deep end into some savage nasty kind of insanity. As you are no doubt aware, the Tea Party is now dominating GOP policies with their rag-tag lunatic fringe version of reality. They want to ban abortion in all cases. Several Republicans have come out suggesting that women’s bodies prevent conception during rape, or that God wants children from rape. Freaking insane.
Anyway, here’s a thoroughly informative article in the Huffington with plenty of actually factual facts about rape in the USA, including (8) “Chances that a woman’s body “shuts that whole thing down”: 0 in 3.2 billion” (a reference to that suggestion that women cannot conceive during rape).
Tina Fey has also weighed in, with some comments on the ‘legitimate rape’ bizarro incident.
And a brilliant video from Lesley Gore, a skype-remake (lip synch) of ‘You Don’t Own Me’ (also with Dunham – spot the celebrities).
But wait there’s more: Scarlett, Eva and Jessica have weighed in as well.
Yes, Scarlett even spoke at the Democratic National Convention back in September (?)
Hope it works.
And Cher speaks, with Kathy Griffin. Yeh, this one is kind of cheesy. Actually, quite bad. The comedy doesn’t work, with Kathy’s constant playing on song titles. But Cher is still an icon, as she says. And the mmessage is true.
“Actually dot org” has a whole range of these videos, including one from Rosie Perez on Mitt Zomney’s comment that he’d be much better off if his parents were Latino.
Does this happen every time the USAvians go to the polls? Is there a celebrity who has not made a video in this election..?
(1) nb: it’s not really fair to characterise the ‘red states’ as completely moronic and uneducated. Following the history of voting patterns shows that there is a strong Democratic urge across many counties in the Republican states. Plus, Texas is the state that produced Scott Joplin, Janis Joplin, Buddy Holly and Roy Orbison. So clearly there’s some magic in there somewhere.
This one is kinda hilarious. Chris Rock on why white voters should choose Barack.
Via the Huff Post.
A moment of light humour in the US presidential election.
No actually this is serious.
But wait, there’s more.
Not only Joss, but also Montgomery Burns has endorsed Mitt.
Election Results Prezi by on Prezi.