Flight of the Conchords – Feel Inside (and stuff like that)
September 17th, 2012 by michael chalk

Aaaaah! Sally played this for me at work the other week. “You won’t be able to get it out of your head,” she said.

And that’s true.

Then i watched it again with Tim and Sam up at Elphinstone the other day. How we laughed.

Apparently the song spent weeks at number one in NZ Aotearoa, and raised about $1 million and a hundred and ten and twenty one. In a bowl.

via Flight of the Conchords – Feel Inside (and stuff like that) – official Cure Kids long version – YouTube.


I love Murray at the start, “Yes and i gave some money back in 1988, so that’s all done now?”

And Jemaine talking about the songs in the Muppet Movie, “They were pretty derivative though, don’t you think?”



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