8 Foot Felix on the Radio
Aug 16th, 2012 by michael chalk

[not really 8FootFelix, in fact a different band]

Always great to hear your favourite local bands on the radio. I saw 8 Foot Felix play the Wesley Anne the other week, and was struck by how much they have evolved in the year since i saw them last. Apparently they’ve had a world tour, and been to Burning Man. Highlights included a French version of “These boots were made for walking”… really stunning.

Listen to the rambunctious folk from 8 Foot Felix playing live on 3PBS:

Trans Europa Express for Tuesday, 14 August 2012 | PBS 106.7FM.

Deserts and dreaming – fiction by Jane Jervis-Read
Aug 16th, 2012 by michael chalk

An interesting story by Jane Jervis Read in this month’s Overland.

A strange story.

The piece is unsettling and unexpected, a little mysterious. But it draws you in and leaves you wondering, “What the..?!”.

Here, read it for yourself (recommended!).. Little people at Overland…

I’m a fan of Jane’s work, and recently attended a reading for the Winter edition of InScribe – the Darebin literary journal. Jane read her piece “Hartington Street”, which was short-listed for The Age short story competition.

A beautiful gig: Sean M Whelan & Isnod at the Wesley Anne…
Aug 7th, 2012 by michael chalk

Saw Sean & Damien perform live the other week at the Wesley Ann and loved it.

Here’s some video from the night. Is this the Michael Hutchence performance? Ah no, it’s “Elemental”.

via Elemental – Sean M Whelan & Isnod on Vimeo.

..from James Tresise on Vimeo. James has a few different poems of theirs…

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