Flap! is beautiful
August 19th, 2011 by michael chalk

I’ve seen this bunch of diehard jazz freaks play a few times now: at the Village in Edinburgh Gardens, supporting the inimitable Bohjass at the Northcote Social Club.. and now headlining at the East Brunswick. And each time i see them, i love them even more.

Such brilliant musicianship, such joyful playing, such contained energy in the singing. It’s modern Northcote music that draws on the traditional jazz styles of the 30’s and 40’s. Songs of love.. songs about the chicken truck that goes up High Street late at night.

My dad was mad for a bit of trad jazz, and i think he would have approved of this crowd as well.

The trombone player just goes off! Her energy is well furious. Eamon’s trumpet is sublime, and his singing is so understated it’s really beautiful. I really appreciate the way the two lead singers sing in their own voice, without American or English accents, and without being affected at all, just straight-up genuine.

At one point, there was a guy in the crowd who was overdoing his enthusiasm – oh yeh it was during the “Naked” song. So much that the lead singer had to mention her state of being married. Which led to some confusion as she implied she was happy about not being married to the trumpeter. Whoops.

Anyway, i’ve managed to track down their Youtube channel. Hopefully they’ll have an album out on the stands before too long.

I’m a poor man (but i’m not ashamed)

Down down down

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