Golden Globes, famous again thanks to outrageous Gervais
January 17th, 2011 by michael chalk

Hilarious. Ricky pushes all the wrong buttons for his opener at the Golden Globes. Nice work. i especially liked his comments about The Tourist, as he acknowledges the unfairness of the joke: “i haven’t even seen the film, but who has?” Implying the Globes run on bribery won’t get him any fans with his employers, but he brought plenty of his own special kind of boundary-crossing laughter. And let’s face it, everyone’s talking about it so they won’t mind too much.

i’m sure he really did have lawyers look at the scientology joke beforehand.

Here’s Ricky promising he will not get invited back for a third go:

And wonderful Chris Colfer received a gong for playing Curt in Glee, dedicating it to the viewers:

More details:

Oh wait there’s more, what about Ricky last year doing the same thing:

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