Not sure how long this will stay on the youtubes: it’s an illegal upload, after all. But here’s the first half of the first episode of series 7. Mark and Jeremy are as awful as ever. We’re at the hospital. Definitely NSFW!!
There are many factors contributing to the comic genius of Peep Show. The awkwardness at the heart of the characters and every scene. The obvious chasm between how people want to be seen, and how they appear to the world around them. But mostly, the way people talk inside their own heads, blurting their hypocrisy and duplicity at us, and only momentarily concealing it from those around them.
i like the way Mark and Jeremy are portrayed thinking so very loud while other people are talking, drowning out the other’s voice – it’s ridiculous and self-absorbed.
..and then i catch myself doing it, in my own life. Whoops.
They have a page on Wikipedia, so it must be real. And you can find plenty more illegally ripped video excerpts on the interwebs.