a beautiful film, via Angelina in the North of Italy, where her new yoga practice is making her seek out tranquility. She’s always had an eye for gorgeousness. This piece comes from people in Halifax, Nova Scotia, one of my favourite places. A woman called Tanya Davis is the poet, and Andrea Dorfman the animator.
Here’s another by the same team, Tanya and Andrea. i like it.
(after the break)
On the same thought-tangent, this lovely poem about forgetfulness by Billy Collins. So often i find poetry doesn’t get me. But when there’s animation involved, i’m in.
and another one by Billy Collins. i love the dead people looking down through their glass-bottomed canoes.
The country, also by Billy Collins.
Some Days, by Billy Collins.
He’s animated all over the shop. i didn’t realise this was such a thing..
Oh look, here’s one by some year 7 students in Bristol, via Ms Wredenfors.
Have you seen any lovely poenimations that i should witness?
Please let me know.