people you meet
February 20th, 2009 by michael chalk

hanoi intersectionThinking back to my time in Vietnam, one of the best things about travelling is the people you meet along the way ..

  • Like the Vietnaustralian guy from Sydney who had had “such a boring time” returning home for his sister’s wedding;
  • or the Parisien woman returning to her native Cambodia for the first time since 1974, to share christmas with her Son who’s moved to Sydney;
  • the German art student who’s half Vietnamese, and studying in Saigon .. to get a better feel for her father’s culture;
  • the UK couple, an entrepreneur and his partner, who sold up to go travelling, and flee the UK economy because it has changed shape .. into something more pear-like;
  • a Dutch woman who takes a couple of 8-week-long travelling holidays every year.

And that’s not even counting the flocks of wonderful people in Phnom Penh, lovely exPats and aid workers, volunteers, NGO people, teachers and masterful communications officers!

Really it’s all about the people isn’t it

so tell me .. who did you meet in an exotic location?

Creative Commons License photo credit: shapeshift

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