Firecracker hell
January 6th, 2009 by michael chalk

This was meant to be an island paradise getaway. A heavenly new year, with friends on the beach. After the mild dramas of travelling by bus to Sihanoukville (Lauli and her buddies went the day before; Jem and her friends found their pre-booked tickets had been sold, i was worried about having to charter a boat on my own) .. we were all looking forward to a chilled-out party on the beach.

There was bbq action, dance music, stories and balancing on a swing over the sand.



A loud silence, then some shouts and that awful feeling of not knowing what’s happened. Followed by the sickening feeling of discovering what has happened.

Someone’s let a very big firecracker off in his own face.

Shanny’s seen the whole thing close up and looks like she’s about to pass out. “He’s blown his face off! Have you seen Phil?”

i still feel a bit sick and shocked from the events of the evening. This was about 11pm local time. Celebrations were clearly off the agenda. People milled around wondering how to help. Several people did help, giving first aid, painkillers, calling the mainland, deciding whether to call for a boat or pray for an airlift direct to Bangkok.

16 hours later, Yuma made it to Bangkok. But the reports aren’t good.

Still on life support. Not yet stable.




Prayers welcome .. angelic support appreciated.

One Response  
  • Jude writes:
    January 11th, 200915:33at

    Hi Mic

    Very sorry to read about your friend on NY, not good.

    Liked reading your comments on Barack – he is hugely popular here, and Times of India asked this morning – can India have its own Barack? Smart, young, idealistic and ready to lead?

    We are in Mumbai, honestly I feel like I’m just back in my old neighbourhood. It’s very nice to feel so at home in a small pocket of another city. Went to Ghandiji’s house yesterday and was duly humbled. Also thought, hmm, this is a nice neighbourhood, lovely apartment blocks…why don’t I live here?

    Love to you, hope all is good. Wanted to buy you a tacky present, instead bought you a really beautiful handblock print shirt. Sorry. Will try harder.

    Jude x Jody-Lee x

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