songs in black
November 28th, 2008 by michael chalk

Nick Cave and the badseedsi love searching winamp media library for songs relating to a word, and then listening to the mix. The other day i found 68 songs relating to the word black.

Nick Cave Black Betty .. such a good cover. Kicking Against the Pricks is always my favourite album from the Caulfield genius boy. Listen to that song over and over. The Spiderbait version was fun in its own way, but doesn’t really compare. .. and then i listen to Tom Jones version, and it’s shit. In a good way. But compared to the Cave? Shite.

Tom Waits has the record for a single artist in my collection .. 7 songs with “black” in the title.

Radiohead PlayBlack Star, of course. OMG what exquisite pain and pleasure in their music. Just recently Radiohead became my most-listened artist of all. i have been catching up .. to the rest of the world.

Nikka Costa Black Seed, Goldfrapp PlayBlack Cherry .. Nina Simone Black Is the Colour of My True Love’s Hair. i admire the brilliance and passion behind all these songs.

Public Enemy PlayFear of a Black Planet, Queen Latifah Black Hand Side, and *The

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