don't bolly my heart
Aug 28th, 2008 by michael chalk

Brilliant post from katie chalk, on the topic of sampling and fair play (=Link=).

The Black-Eyed Peas sampled from a couple of original Bollywood tracks, and katie reckons there’s not enough credit being given. Listen to this video first .. near the end you definitely get the main riff of “Don’t Phunk”.

Whoops no, i was going to include the video, but YouTube have removed it due to copyright. That is ironic. The other one is still there:

Go and read katie’s post, and leave her a comment. Oooh, go on!

black-eyed peas
Creative Commons License photo credit: woodleywonderworks

Landlords behaving like mongrels
Aug 18th, 2008 by michael chalk

So now i find out that John and Bob were lying all the time. It was just a game to them.
But i miss something.. my house!!

Plateau de la godivelle

John signed a legal document saying that his family would move in after we vacated. He assured me that Bob was moving in. I even thought that it would be good for them.

We spent so long thinking that John was a good and decent man who would treat his tenants respectfully. i think back to the time when he said to my mother (!) that i was like one of his family.

Now i find out that they’ve doubled the rent and put new tenants in the house. So their annual income goes up from $10k to $20k overnight.

takin it to the banksy

Trouble is that if you say family is moving in, you are not legally allowed to rent the place out within six months

.. and i hope the potential fines are really big.

As i say this, i know i’ll have a battle getting my full bond back, because they’ve been disputing the amount that Angelina originally paid.



John looks at the original (bond) receipts Angelina sent me and says, “That’s not my handwriting, and it’s not my signature.”

Ugh. Somebody’s making a monkey out of me. What is going on!

Plus: there are no fines for kicking out tenants under false pretences, doubling the rent and re-letting the premises. Apparently there’s a difference between ‘illegal’ and ‘unlawful’; which means i can sue them for the cost of moving, but nobody will lock them up or fine them. Damn.

Big Breakfast, Buffy and Exquisite Lamb Kofta. Joy!
Aug 16th, 2008 by michael chalk

So in the great tradition of “cheese sandwichblogging .. here i am in a cafe in the city. I’ve just had the biggest and best big breakfast in the whole wide world, and i’m luxuriating in the free wireless net connection of blue point cafe, opposite the watch-house in Russell Street.

Yes, i’ve got the day off work, Tim doesn’t start his sergeant role for another couple of hours, and this is my first access to internet for non-work reasons in months.

Off we go to wander through the city and search the computer shops for gadgets. End up in a liquidator shop on Swanston St called “Arthur Daley’s Lock-up”.

Gloves for three dollars Yah!

Later that day

Tim’s gone to rehearsal, so i head across to Minotaur, to get the latest copies of Buffy Season 8, in comic book form. I can’t wait. Apparently Buffy meets Fray, the vampire slayer from the 24th century.

Last i heard, Buffy and Giles aren’t talking to each other; the tricky “Twilight” crowd are dividing Buffy from Willow, and Dawn is still a giant.

Joy and beauty in food

How lucky am i! Jude and Jody invite me over for a sumptuous lamb kofta experience, followed by dripping-down-your-front apple and strawberry strudel. Yum.

So we watch the US Dance show, and we agree that Katee and Joshua are the best. This piece, choreographed by Mia Michaels, made me gasp.

Then Jude pulls out the Will Ferrel classic, “Anchorman”. Talk about cheese!

Time to go home and devour Margaret Cho, the best comedian in the world.

Life is wonderful.

Margaret Cho – Assassin! (part one)

image and photo credits: licensed under creative commons at flickr:
Thanks very much: cowtools

ktchalk writes for reuters
Aug 6th, 2008 by michael chalk

Well here’s an exciting event. My wonderful sister katie has an article over at Reuters news agency (in the Alert Net section).

Vegetable paella
Not so much a good news piece .. more focussing on the humanitarian disaster that is the lack of food in developing countries at the moment.

While we lap up the luxury here in the West, a $25 sack of rice is not so easy to get hold of in Timor Leste, especially given that’s more than a month’s wages. Katie met with one woman who is struggling to feed her children.

Very sad really.

But kt is a really good writer, isn’t she!!


Creative Commons License photo credit: decade_null

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