football causes pain
Sep 22nd, 2007 by michael chalk

So i had a go at playing indoor soccer. The boss got a team together, and joined us into a competition at the council. We were so bad, we lost again and again, eg 13 goals to 3.

The other teams played rough, although it was supposed to be friendly, and they had skills – which we did not. Rohan could do a fair simulation of Maradona, Maria kicked a major goal, and Nick the coach was a real player, but i could barely stay upright. Massive hand bruises thanks to falling on hard gym surface. Ouch.

Trying to drive later on, had to get Louise to operate the gear stick. Too friking painful. That’s it, i’m over sport for ever.

xo michael

(image, The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick by Gertrud K. at flickr, thanks)

Madame Zu Zu at Open Studio
Sep 14th, 2007 by Michael Chalk

Madame Zu Zu plays classic old cabaret numbers with a European flavour. This Lady, She is Extraordinary and Exciting!

From the tantalising tempo of frustration in “Perhaps”, to the sumptuous delights of “Besame”, Zu Zu had the Studio crowd jumping.

The night was hot, the dance floor was on fire, all because of this stunning and virtuoso performance.

mmm, more please!

Mmm Zu Zu at Open Studio

open studio brings out the horrid buckwheat crepes
Sep 3rd, 2007 by michael chalk

i’ve had another buckwheat experience ..

Saturday night was so great, Madame Zu Zu was in fine form, and the Open Studio crowd so much more into her than at Bar Open the week before. Dancing everywhere. Lovely vibes, happy people.

..but then i tried one of the new crepes.

i was so looking forward to it. and i tested for buckwheat reaction before diving in; but i really should have asked. i must be healthy at the moment because it took three mouthfuls to set me off. so i went home, and fortunately had a couple of Finurgen tablets left over from the time i had to go to hospital after my birthday pizza night last year ..

The tablets stop all the symptoms and allow me to sleep. Good.
but, oh boy, a couple of Finurgen tablets would knock out a horse!

The next morning i couldn’t move, i could barely talk. Tim and Sam came around, wanting to take me out to breakfast, and all i could say was “Bbbckwhhht lllst nght, ca’nnt mmmv”

.. and i’m still feeling groggy monday morning;

PS Later that month: the new sign reads Crepes (Buckwheat). Thanks.

xox, michael

(image: hi dad by tashland at flickr)

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