Smoky skies again
December 29th, 2006 by michael chalk

Big shout out to the Martini-Mahers in Halifax, Nova Discotia. Hope you’re all making the best of a chilly winter, and holding on tight to loved ones and nearby cousins. Bundles of love from this side of the world, to youse all.

It is still smoky in melbourne, but we only get the smoke, while the country folk get all the fire.

Intrepid blogger, Sam Downing writes about the yellow haze. “Victoria is burning like a mofo.” (What’s a mofo?)

(Sam also writes about the recent mic=40 gig .. btw, Sam gets the prize for most cheers on arrival, best cookies, and leaving a huge Rock Festival to come to my birthday.

One Response  
  • Cool With No Friends writes:
    December 29th, 200620:01at

    For your information (though I should say fyi, but don’t want to confuse you), mofo stands for motherf***er. So my intention was to say “Melbourne is burning like a motherf***er”.


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