Psst.. knowledge-worker? You have mad skills?

Nancy White was spurred into action by Tony Karrer’s “big question” of the month: what skills do knowledge-workers (or “learning professionals”) need (as we head into the teenies). But Tony was disappointed that Nancy listed only 4 “meta skills”: self-awareness, generosity, humility, and willingness to risk. .. because Tony was looking for the technical details, the actual “how do i learn” skills. So Nancy wrote a second version, this time elaborating on the abilities to: scan and filter (manage the “river of information”), connect with other people, synthesise the streams Read More …

(cck08) Nancy White on .. appreciative change

The fabulous choc-o-Nancy White was speaking about all manner of things today, including: how to facilitate in a massive online course, and the implications of trust in large networks; the range of identity and boundary from the personal, through communities to networks; new and emerging roles and practices; the value of “appreciative change”, which is related to the appreciative inquiry championed by Marie Jasinski and Maret Staron in ’07 research. Recognise people’s strengths as a starting point for the learning process. Ideas came up around the responsibility of adult learners Read More …