Live web conferencing – the skills you need to facilitate a session

Last year, a few of the Victorian LearnLocal e-learning mentors put our heads together to think about the skills that people need when they want to run a live web conferencing session. I think it’s really crucial, if you’re thinking of running a live web conferencing session, to get as much help as you possibly can. We came up with the ideas in this document below.

How to embed documents in your blog (eg blogger)

Several people on the CAE 23 Things project wanted to know how to embed documents in their blog. There are a few ways. (edublogs allows you to upload documents, but i’m not sure that blogger does. And David made the point that if he’s uploading all the time, he’ll use his storage quota in no time.) The trick is to use an external service, eg Slideshare, iScribd, youtube, docstocs, yudu or google docs (your choice could depend on the kind of document). sign up to another web service (eg scribd, Read More …

How to embed documents in your blog (eg blogger)

Several people on the CAE 23 Things project wanted to know how to embed documents in their blog. There are a few ways. (edublogs allows you to upload documents, but i’m not sure that blogger does. And David made the point that if he’s uploading all the time, he’ll use his storage quota in no time.) The trick is to use an external service, eg Slideshare, iScribd, youtube, docstocs, yudu or google docs (your choice could depend on the kind of document). sign up to another web service (eg scribd, Read More …