Snapshots and stories: e-learning ’08

Via Rose on the innovations blog (gone now), found this video (below) showcasing stories from the 2008 e-learning innovations projects. People talking about different tools, such as wikis, web conferencing, scenario based learning, blended learning, using a virtual classroom for companionship and classroom buddies. These are many people i worked with as part of the Flexible Learning Framework’s Community Engagement projects. Snapshots and Stories: 2008 E-learning Innovations Projects from E-learning Innovations on Vimeo. All sorts of good stories, including these: Georgina Nou on how they recreated the Alice Springs Telegraph Read More …

A Change of Scene

Why would anyone use technology for learning? Do we ask the right questions, when planning for community building? Recently Delia Bradshaw gave a presentation to a group of community leaders from around Australia, as part of an induction for the Adult Learning Australia e-learning Creative Community Partnerships. Delia’s presentation is stored on this site. July ’09 Addendum: Took me a while to work out a way of presenting audio, text and images on the same page, in a navigable way. So much easier these days with a slidecast, for example Read More …