Sharing files from Quick Voice (..when the free version doesn’t let you share)

A few teachers at PRACE have been using the iPad app “Quick Voice” to record students talking. Unfortunately, the free version has a limit on the file size you can share via email (and also via google drive i think). We experimented a bit, and found that you can get around this by sharing the file 1) firstly share across to a different app known as “Voice Record Pro (VRP)” 2) and then you can “Share .. Open in” google drive. (This will only work if you have VRP installed Read More …

"Workrave" – a welcome interruption

i’ve just been interrupted at work again!! .. by a terrific little app called “Workrave”, which lets me know when i’ve been sitting Staring at the Screen for Too Long. After installing the program, you decide how often you want to take breaks, whether you want micro-breaks or just regular ones .. and what’s your time limit for the whole day. You can skip or postpone if you’re really busy, or you can sit back and do the recommended exercises for good office health. Honestly i prefer to be interrupted Read More …