A conversation with Sue Braggs

The other week, I opened up the ACFE (LearnLocal) Open House for a repeat session of the introduction to 23 Things, and found Sue Braggs in the room early. (Follow the conversation directly here.)

For those who don’t know, Sue was involved in one of the first experiences of this 23 Things approach to learning web2 social technologies, back in 2007. Down East Gippsland way, Denece Sippo from the public library and Jan Roberts from the local adult education provider / community college had joined forces to bring their communities online.

Sue started out not knowing much about online worlds, but by the end of the year, she had made many new friends online, and i first encountered her via the Adult Learning Australia (ALA) conference in Cairns. She was at home in Benambra, presenting from her farm where they only had electricity for a few hours each day. Now she’s one of the e-learning pioneers, a leader in her region working with Junita and Leo on the new projects and much more besides that.

Anyway we had a conversation about the impact of these web2 / social technologies, and the projects Sue is involved in. I think you’ll find it very interesting, so here’s the link to the recording.

Also: link to the original community engagement project here. Unfortunately all the audio was tied up in a service called “Odeo”, which went under, but there are a couple of elluminate recordings from that conference.

Photo credit: (creative commons at flickr) Thanks: Aaron Schmidt.

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