death of education .. dawn of learning (?)

Some very good “video bites” in this short piece about how schools need to change. i like the way the video is put together – short, snappy and sharp; with plenty of good ideas about how young people are learning more outside of school these days, via the social networking sites – which are all blocked inside schools.

But 21st century learning will need to dig deep into wider educational networking possibilities, say these talking heads.

i spoke recently with someone from one of the bigger TAFE colleges .. who explained why places like You Tube are blocked. There’s only a certain amount of bandwidth available, and if students are using it all watching music videos in the break (or in the classroom), that creates a huge problem.

Others of us, from the smaller community centres, were asking why they didn’t use “bandwidth shaping”, so that You Tube would get eg 5% of the bandwidth or even less at certain times of the day.

The TAFE people probably though we were know-it-all smart-alecs who just didn’t appreciate the difficulties of working with huge institutional information technology departments.

i remember Robyn and Alex’s enormous frustration last year during their NSW Learnscope travels; when they would arrive to find many of the social software sites blocked by The Department. It was so enjoyable to find people working within the system voicing their frustration publicly .. i wonder if their blogging had an impact on the people in the department (?).

(via Betch @ edublogs)

2 thoughts on “death of education .. dawn of learning (?)

  1. “….It was so enjoyable to find people working within the system voicing their frustration publicly .. i wonder if their blogging had an impact on the people in the department (?).”

    Robyn and I still actively campaign for teachers access to the positive practical POPULAR use of ICT’s and in fact I’d like to offer you an opportunity Michael to follow this through with your folks at your end – – let me know if you’d like a Presenter spot.


  2. Alex thanks so much for your comment and your offer .. i will look into this asap ;-]

    (goodness what could i present on, i wonder; if they’re still taking people that is..

    Great to hear you’re still campaigning (well, not so great to hear the department is still resisting 🙁

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