Wineglass Heaven

i’ve been waiting a long time to visit Freycinet. Such is my geographical ignorance, i thought it took up most…

Cradle Mountain Joy

What a breathtaking experience! Cradle Mountain is jaw-droppingly beautiful; i’m so glad i went there. And very happy that i…

Big Tassie Penguin

Stepped off the ferry at six am, and the furtherest (sic) i could travel was the wee hamlet of Penguin,…

cemetery stroll

Hello Dear Reader. i Spent boxing day with the very delightful Lynne, whose baby is three months old now. We…

chalki on faine

So yes, i had an interview with jon faine (a month ago now). It was a strange experience for me,…

End of America? Ten step program

I’ve found some references to Naomi Wolf’s latest book, and it is scarier than the one by Richard Flanagan. “The…

First Tuesday – mixed response

When the First Tuesday Book Club on reviewed “The Unknown Terrorist”, the book didn’t come off so well. Marieke…

Art of Suspicion

Hasan Elahi – the Visible Man – found himself on the wrong side of federal government agencies. “Where were you…

Latest Auzzie Fashion – Burqini

Enough reacting to the desperate and vicious attitudes of media commentators! .. here’s some good news. Unfortunately i missed the…

Do the Motionless, Yah

Do the Nut Bush. Do the Funky Gibbon. Do the Expressive Chicken. Yah! Or .. Do the Motionless Standstill.It’s the…